Well, what a few weeks make weather wise, here in sunny Leicester! A few snaps below of recent works: Traditional signwriting on a recently restored vintage despatch tow Harley Davidson, some large full scale wall wrap prints designed and installed for the new social area in Loros Hospice, and a cool rear print for a local plumber and heating firm on his new van. Great to be out and about around Leicester supplying signs and traditional signwriting again. All the best Al Scott Signwriter. #vansignwriting #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #vintagesigns #vintagevehicle #vintagesignwriting #pubsignwriter #wallsign #mural #signwriting #signs #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsigns #heritagesigns #heritagerestoration #2021signs #Vansigns #tattoosigns #nottinghamsignwriter #vansigns #vehiclesignwriting2021 #fullcolourprint #muralart #leicestervansignwriter #signwriter
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