A few pics from a recently finished project and small part of the large restoration project saving the Historic Taylor's Bell-foundry in Loughborough. Lovely honour to be asked to do the Signwriting on this one as its such an iconic local place and also the last of its kind in Britain today. Bells from this place have made there way all over the globe including those in St Paul's Cathedral. There was one original old wall sign still existing, so that was used as the 'master' design to follow for all the new painted signs on the brickwork outside. The Signwriting on the large wooden doors at the entrance to the works is based on an an old black and white photo in the Museum's Archives. Lovely job to do! and even kept out of the rain ( mostly! 😉) A big thank-you to all at Taylor's Bell Foundry in Loughborough for entrusting me and my brushes with the job, and my best wishes for the future! #taylorsbellfoundry #bellfoundry #loughborough #loughboroughbellfoundry #museum #restoration #hertitage #heritageengland #signwriter #traditionalsignwriter #alscottsigns #handpainted #handpaintedsigns #leicestersignwriter #2024 #brushlettering #stpaulscathedral #wallsignwriting #ghostsign
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