Nice to get back to a bit of hand done signwriting after a few days away to refresh the ol' batteries. Nothing like a bit of thin outlining to get back into it!.Returning to the bus yard for the coach lettering, all signwriting done by hand on this one as are all of their fleet, which is a rarity sadly nowaday's so really cool to still be painting these for them. These smaller wooden signs are made from thick external timber and painted to match the old signs on the Bishop's Lodge in Leicester. The lettering done in 1shot white enamels. Late summer works 2021 Al Scott Signs. #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #bussigns #signwriting #signs #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsigns #churchsigns #glenfield #signwriter #coachpainting #coachsignwriting #
Quite a bit of traditional signwriting recently, nice to get the Mahl Stick and brushes out again and get out and about :-) Both these jobs done using the tradition methods and painted by hand, both of these works done onsite 2021 #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #Melton #Meltonmowbray #signwriting #signs #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsigns #estateagents #alexanders #2021signs #classictext #glenfield #signwriter #stoneygate #stoneygatesignwriting #allendaleroad #housesign #housesignwriting
This project has been on the books for a while now, but great to get in and hand paint this on one of the main walls in the new social area at the Loros Hospice in Leicester. This was designed specifically in memory of a past volunteer, so hence the leopard skin print in a silver star and the music theme. All the work was completed using Eco-Friendly paints and no sprays were used due to the specific site requirements , All work was hand painted on site. Thankyou to the lovely people at Loros for entrusting me in designing and signwriting this one.. loved doing it! #signwriting #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #murals #leicestermural #wallsign #wallsign #mural #signwriting #signs #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsigns #heritagesigns #loros #loroshospice #lorosleicester #2021signs #vansigns #vehiclesignwriting2021 #muralart #muralpainter #signwriter
Just a few pics and snaps of recent work completed, another lovely mixed bag of Signs, Signwriting, Vans and Mural works :-) A cool large scale Mural in the works soon also!, so check please check if your interested in such things :-) Keep safe people. Al Scott Signwriter. Hand Painted Signwriting - Traditional signwriting on this one, painted direct onto the freshly painted stone fascia... some more work to come here, so not finished..really like how the white lettering and the stiffkey blue background contrast each other.. Looks lovely and crisp. Coming soon to Barwell in Leicestershire a new Coffee and Bakery @maltmillcoffeeandbakery Check it out! Another Traditional Signwriting project completed for the popular and established @Deliflavour on Allandale Rd in Stoneygate, Leicester. I've taken a close up snap of the middle panel on this as it was quite a cool one to do!, we wanting it to look a little like wallpaper with a repeated leaf pattern so i used a lighter shade of the background colour to paint the contrasting pattern... love the subtlety of how it came out actually... All work was hand done on this one. Vehicle Signwriting for local Farrier in Glenfield, Leicester. bloody love the colours on this! shows how something so simple can have such an impact if your just a little out of the norm with the colour choices. The copper has a slight fleck/sheen to it which works perfectly. #vansignwriting #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #barwell #barwellsigns #farrier #pubsignwriter #farriersign #mural #signwriting #signs #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsigns #heritagesigns #heritagerestoration #2021signs #Vansigns #classictext #canalboatsigns #vansigns #vehiclesignwriting2021 #glenfield #glenfieldvansigns #leicestervansignwriter #signwriter #stoneygate #stoneygatesigns #allendaleroad #shopsigns
Well, what a few weeks make weather wise, here in sunny Leicester! A few snaps below of recent works: Traditional signwriting on a recently restored vintage despatch tow Harley Davidson, some large full scale wall wrap prints designed and installed for the new social area in Loros Hospice, and a cool rear print for a local plumber and heating firm on his new van. Great to be out and about around Leicester supplying signs and traditional signwriting again. All the best Al Scott Signwriter. #vansignwriting #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #vintagesigns #vintagevehicle #vintagesignwriting #pubsignwriter #wallsign #mural #signwriting #signs #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsigns #heritagesigns #heritagerestoration #2021signs #Vansigns #tattoosigns #nottinghamsignwriter #vansigns #vehiclesignwriting2021 #fullcolourprint #muralart #leicestervansignwriter #signwriter
Nice to get outside in some decent weather for Signwriting! Just completed this one for the lovely people down @Charniakitchen in Quorn. Hand-painted direct to the external ( rough! :-) ) render in dark grey and white. Thanks to Charnia Kitchens for going down the hand painted signwriting route on this one, end result is exactly how i envisioned and stands out a treat. #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #signwriter #quorndon #charniakitchen #wallsign #mural #signwriting #signs #2021 #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsignwriting #shopsign #heritagerestoration #coffeeshop #boutiqueshop #delisigns #deli #alscott #signwriter The annual updating of Honours Boards is here again, and nice to get back into a bit of gold-leaf work. Love to see all the past work of fellow signwriters on these boards, these ones dating back to the early eighties.
Work split between studio and insitu on these ones. All Gilding done inhouse with 23.5 ct Gold Leaf. #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #signwriter #honoursboards #goldleaf #gildedsigns #lettering #signwriting #signs #2021 #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsignwriting #golfclubsigns #golf #awardssigns #ashby #ullesthorpe #alscott #signwriter Been a cool mixed bag workwise with lots of interesting jobs and projects afoot.
From some traditional brush hand-painted signwriting @theforgeinn for their popular pizza shed takeout, to some glass signwriting thats destined to be installed all the way up to the top of Scotland.... and some local vans and vehicles thrown in for good measure!.. Nice to have the variety of work to keep you on your toes. Few Snaps below of recent works, thanks to all my clients as always! #leicestervansigns #vehiclegraphics #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #signwrite #pubsignwriter #wallsign #mural #signwriting #signs #2021 #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsigns #heritagesigns #heritagerestoration #2021signs #pavementsigns #vansigns #vehiclesignwriting2021 #theforgeinn #glenfieldsigns #glasssignwriting #glassgild #watergild #trailersigns #thepizzashed #leicester Signs, Signwriting and Vehicle Signs around Leicestershire, Nottingham and The Midlands 2021.2/17/2021
A few photos from recent jobs and ongoing projects.
As well as the large scale mural and traditional signwriting i specialise in, a lot of my work is Van Signwriting and Vehicle Signage. This side of the trade i've been doing for a long time now ( over 25 years! gulp ;-) and have always offered a local mobile fitting service, free of charge... this is always a bonus for clients as it means they can carry on working without the need to have their vehicle off the road for a day or so. Just drop us a call or message if your interested in getting a quote! #leicestervansigns #vehiclegraphics #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #signwrite #pubsignwriter #wallsign #mural #signwriting #signs #2021 #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsigns #heritagesigns #heritagerestoration #2021signs #pavementsigns #tattoosigns #nottinghamsignwriter #vansigns #vehiclesignwriting2021 This one has special meaning for me as its where i grew up as a teenager, so being asked to restore an old 'Ghost Sign' in the heart of this leicestershire town was an honour.
The old Freeman Hardy & Willis sign has been on the corner of coventry road for as long as i can remember and has nearly vanished visibly over time. The colour chosen for the background was matched to the few flakes of old paint that still were stuck to brickwork and the lettering & design were traced and scaled off so that the restoration of the original lettering is as close to the original as it could be. A big thankyou to Opus Painting and Decorating for the trust and partnership in working on this project. This project was all done using Traditional Methods - Signwriting using Brush and Mahl Stick. Al Scott 2021. #leicestersignwriter #ghostsignrestoration #handpaintedsigns #marketharboroughsignwriter #harboroughsigns #signwriter #ghostsign #pubsignwriter #wallsign #mural #signwriting #signs #2021 #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditional signs # conservation signs #heritage signs #heritagerestoration #oldsign #2021signs #freemanhardyandwillis #leicestershoe #marketharborough #marketharboroughsignwriting First of all... my best wishes for a good 2021, Happy New Year to all!
First post of 2021 and some interesting projects happening.. Not the best time of year for signwriting outside, but sometimes it just has to be done. This is a photo taken before the work started, will post progress photos in the next few days. The ghost sign is in a leicestershire town and well known to the locals.. its been in neglect for many years now, but glad to get the opportunity to help restore it back to its former glory! Freeman, Hardy and Willis was a major chain of footwear retailers back in the day, and well known in Leicester and Leicestershire as they had links to The British Shoe Corporation. #leicestersignwriter #handpaintedsigns #signwriter #ghostsign #pubsignwriter #wallsign #mural #signwriting #signs #2021 #alscottsigns #alscottsignwriter #traditionalsigns #heritagesigns #heritagerestoration #oldsign #2021signs #freemanhardyandwillis #leicestershoe #marketharborough #marketharboroughsignwriting |
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